Monday, March 7, 2011

You fall in love, it’s intoxicating, and for a little while you feel like you’ve actually become one with the other person. Merged souls, and so on. You think you’ll never be lonley again. Only it doesn’t last and soon you realize you can only get so close, and you end up brutally disappointed, more alone than ever, because the illusion—the hope you’d held on to all those years—has been shattered.
" Your own moods can be extremely deceptive. They can, and probably do, trick you into believing your life is far worse than it really is. When you're in a good mood, life looks great. You have perspective, common sense, and wisdom. In good moods, things don't feel so hard, problems seem less formidable and easier to solve. When you're in a good mood, relationships seem to flow and communication is easy. If you are criticized, you take it in stride. On the contrary, when you're in a bad mood, life looks unbearably serious and difficult. You have very little perspective. You take things personally and often misinterpret those around you, as you impute the malignant motives into their actions."

"Whenever we hold on to our anger, we turn 'small stuff' into really 'big stuff' in our minds. We start to believe that our positions are more important than our happiness. They are not. If you want to be a more peaceful person you must understand that being right is almost never more important than allowing yourself to be happy. The way to be happy is to let go, and reach out. Let other people be right. This doesn't mean that you're wrong. Everything will be fine. You'll experience the peace of letting go, as well as the joy of letting others be right. You'll also notice that, as you reach out and let others be 'right', they will become less defensive and more loving toward you. They might even reach back. But, if for some reason they don't, that's okay too. You'll have the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part to create a more loving world, and certainly you'll be more peaceful yourself."

Friday, March 4, 2011

Just one text. A simple text. Hi. Two letters, such a simple meaning. But then that one text, leads to another text. Pretty soon, nightly phone calls are a necessary habit. Phone calls die out, and you’re meeting up at the local frozen yogurt or smoothie place, hanging out. Hang out after hang out, a kiss appears. Kissing leads to hand holding, and soon your relationship status changes to taken. Year after year, “I like you” is changed to “I love you”. And then that one day will come, that one date that will change your life forever. The one date, where, the “I love you” changes to “I do..” A two letter text, changed to a two word phrase. A text, that changed someones life forever.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


''I want to be
be the one
and the angel that you love
with open arms
I'll always be there

You must believe
That you and me
Will end up living happily
In our own fairytale story''